Monday, November 24, 2014


Maybe this isn't exactly FUN, but we all need to see this one, as sometimes, history can be entertaining and edge of the seat thrilling.  As we close in on Thanksgiving, we have much to be thankful for.  Much started by the Greatest Generation.

Here is a fantastic movie you may want to have on hand via Netflix.  Not advertised in the USA, and zero promotion in the theaters, this is a 2005 flick.  Shows the greatest rescue mission the US Military has ever accomplished.  Anita found this one.

Since we have been diving in the Philippines for the last three years, it somehow pays to research a little about where you are going.  The US and the Philippines have been friends for most of the last century with a brief squabble among friends.  We seem to do this with everybody unfortunately as we Americans have notoriously short memories.

The GREAT RAID was about the liberation of the prisoners of the Bataan Death March conducted by the Japanese shortly after Pearl Harbor. 

Stunning movie with lots of explosions that Marty will enjoy.  



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Monday, November 17, 2014

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Monday, November 10, 2014

Packers Bangalore @

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Monday, November 3, 2014

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