Monday, September 19, 2011

Hoping the Age of Fizzy Water Will End

It appears that the decade of the 1960's is all the rage on Network TV series.  Daytime drinking and other behaviors now considered questionable, was condoned ar at least practiced.  Reminded me of this CLASSIC article regarding changes in the culture.  From 1997.

Archives  NY TIMES

Hoping the Age of Fizzy Water Will End

Published: April 16, 1997

CRABBY bosses, stupid rules, labyrinthine office politics: the corporate world is not for sissies anymore. Why? The conventional wisdom blames downsizing. But maybe, just maybe, the problems of the corporate world were caused by a single pernicious custom: the consumption of fizzy water at lunch.

It was about 1980 when people in their 20's and 30's, suddenly realizing that they might not be immortal after all, began to stimulate their endorphins at the gym instead of with gin. Then in 1986, the Internal Revenue Service decided it would no longer allow midday martini swilling as a deductible business expense. By May 4, 1987, Industry Week magazine was reporting that the number of executives who regularly drank alcohol at lunch had plunged from 56 percent to 26 percent.

They substituted designer water (no ice, it bruises the bubbles).

Taken in moderation, such water is undeniably potable. But the cumulative effect has been not only a work force that is far too alert for its own good, but also managers with mineral deposits where their hearts used to be.

It is little wonder that the murder rate in the workplace has increased tenfold in the last decade, or that Scott Adams's ''Dilbert'' is one of the most popular comic strips of the 1990's, with its portrayals of innocent employees caught between dimwitted superiors and malicious human-resources managers.

It used to be, as the advertising-executive-turned-restaurateur Jerry Della Femina once put it, that ''this big alcoholic fog rolled in all over New York City every day after lunch.'' In other words, the day was divided into two balanced parts. Bosses and workers were awake, efficient, businesslike and fully functioning before lunch. After lunch, they apologized for any fits (or sharp objects) that they might have thrown that morning. Whatever tensions built up were worked out (or off) by the end of the day, and nobody expected anybody to work into the night.

But now, under the influence of fizzy water, people remain alert, anxious and functional all day long. This has created a world of too much thinking, too many projects, too many expectations.

Prohibition lasted only 13 years, which means that the end of neo-Prohibition -- the Age of Fizzy Water in American history -- is just about due. Cultural historians note that Prohibition ended in 1933 because people became fed up with the rigidity of temperance advocates and couldn't remember what the initial fuss had been all about.

So now, one hopes, the end of the no-fun 90's is drawing near. Maybe by the time the year 2000 rolls around, some new Carrie Nation will have taken an ax to any restaurants still serving fizzy water and to whatever you call those newfangled office coolers that dispense brand-name designer water.

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